Friday, October 29, 2010

ryan aoukar: how the industry works

as an interior designer
-know the minimum of everything
-its not about what we do but why we do it
 square 1: The broker- real estate agent; know and befriend them
square 2:The architect- they knew the client before you did; its his building & design
- not just about design, know people
-designing the world for people; solving problems (function &needs)
square 3: variety of clients
-each client brings new ideas and new information to you
-the client lives the lifestyle with the biggest experience: you are helping the client build for her need and accomodations
-he is the main source of information
-the best interior designers know his subjects know your category well
-know your category well
i.e. chefs, medical workers

First Meeting:->  test fit: how many people & what are needs
- do it wherever; short time                -know the space & landlord
-approval & meet face to face            - help client pick his space, building standards and #
-you go to the client                           -1st thing you do per building looked at
-what is the identity of the project       |
-furniture standard
-what is needed
-know minimum measurements of tables ------->
Schematic design & design development:
-work with team and furniture dealer
-what kind of furniture is needed
-furniture manufacturer (makes furniture but doesn't sell it; has a furniture dealer sell it to you)
-building the model; model builder figures out the planning problems
-best way to figure out the space
Demolition phase 
-work with contractor & general contractor: GC-manages project and hires everyone

-GC or you contract partition to start construction( walling)

work with engineer
- internet connections, lighting switches & outlet placement
Reflected ceiling plan:
-design ceiling 1st and include in the plan the placement
-LIGHTING MANUFACTURER- different lighting and ambiances per client's need and accomodations
-lighting decides the atmosphere

finish plan:
-work with material & product designer- furniture, lighting, carpet
custom done: call manufacturer
-Artists can create space
- know every material in a deep way better than anyone
-furniture dealers and furniture makers
-furniture librarians can help you find and bring to life your ideas when you don't know where to find them 
-work with graphic designers; check in, out; bathrooms, directional
-galleries, art dealers, artists (wall murals, painters), photographer 

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